The Great Game

The Great Game

Interesting article on a new exhibition going on at the Ruhr museum in Essen, Germany called The great game: Archaeology and politics in the colonial period. The show deals with the controversy over the bust of Nefertiti found at Tell el Amarna in 1912 by Ludwig Borchardt.

I was unable to find anything about this on the Ruhr museums site.

- Berlin Organizing A Centenary Show Dedicated To The Discovery Of The Nefertiti Bust
La Informacion   This should put the cat amongst the pigeons. Rough Translation:  Next December the Neues Museum in Berlin will host a major exhibition to mark the centenary of the discovery of the famous bust of Nefertiti.  The exhibition,...

- Nefertiti Revisited
Ahram Online (Nevine El Aref) The conflict between Egypt and Germany over the 3,400-year-old iconic bust of Queen Nefertiti has again come to the fore following the discovery of a 1924 document revealing the mysterious story behind Germany's possession...

- How Deceit Won A Beautiful Woman
Al Ahram Weekly Can a 1924 document charging German archaeologist Ludwig Borchardt with cheating to secure the Nefertiti bust for Germany guarantee its return to Egypt? Nevine El-Aref investigates Bust of Queen Nefertiti The conflict between Egypt and...

- Nefertiti Going Nowhere
Germany's Minister of Culture Bern Nuemann said today that the bust of Nefertiti in the Neues museum in Berlin will stay in Berlin. The minister was responding to the Egyptian Minister of culture Dr. Zahi Hawass who keeps threatening to make an official...

- Nefertiti's New Home
The famous bust of Nefertiti in the Altes museum in Berlin has now been moved to its new room in the recently restored Neues museum, the museum was badly damaged in WWII and has recently been restored at a cost of about $400 million. The bust has been...

