The Hyderabad Mummy

The Hyderabad Mummy

An Egyptian expert has recommended an air tight display case in an effort to preserve the deteriorating mummy in Hyderabad.

Thainidan News Expert assistance from Egypt is finally on its way to conserve an Egyptian mummy dating back to 2500 BC at a museum here. The mummy, believed to be of Nasihu, daughter of the sixth Pharaoh of Egypt, is on display at the Andhra Pradesh State...

- Mummy In Need Of Preservation
The Hindu ( T.Lalith Singh) More than 4,500 years after she died, a mummified daughter of the VIth Pharaoh of Egypt cries for attention at the A.P. State Museum at Public Gardens here. With no experts available in the country to help preserve and waiting...

- Mummy In Need Of Preservation
The Hindu ( T.Lalith Singh) More than 4,500 years after she died, a mummified daughter of the VIth Pharaoh of Egypt cries for attention at the A.P. State Museum at Public Gardens here. With no experts available in the country to help preserve and waiting...

- Hyderabad's Mummy To Be Restored
Efforts are being made to restore a mummy in the Hyderabad museum. The article says the mummy is Old Kingdom in date but it also says that it belonged to the period of Egypt,s sixth Pharaoh which to my knowledge there is no proof of mummification in the...

- Mummy Turning To Dust
A museum director in India appears to be negligent of his duty and a Ptolemaic priestess may vanish for his efforts

