The International Conference on heritage of Naqada and Qus region

The International Conference on heritage of Naqada and Qus region
Taking place in Egypt, from January 22nd to January 28th 2007, the above conference has the following objectives:
1- To increase and affluence the amount of cultural general knowledge of Naqada and Qus region and to increase and activate the concern with such important region and with such important subject and its concepts among the public.
2- To present an overview and to conclude the current state of discoveries, conservation and restoration research, practice, problems and the progress in conservation and in the related fields in the region.
3- To create a common understanding of the profession among those who are involved in the practical work around Naqada and Qus region and the different items of the subject and in the related fields around the world.
4-To create a dialogue among the local and international professionals, such as Egyptologists, Copticists, archaeologists, curators, art historians, conservators, legislators and architects with the exploration and design of different strategies and methods around the subject.
5- To agree proposals for defining standards for the study, research and development in the different items of the subject for Naqada and Qus region and for the related fields around the world.
6- Honoring of some names between those who contributed in the discoveries, registration, publication, restoration and conservation and the development works in the region.
7- to achieve an active involvement of the public in the integral process of Cultural Heritage and its preservation, to achieve the understanding, acceptance and thus the support of the public in the activities it generates and to encourage the public to support and participate in the preservation of their own Heritage.
See the above page for the main themes.

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