The Kittermaster Mummy

The Kittermaster Mummy
An item in The Telegraph about the analysis of a mummy by Rosalie David's team at Manchester University, after it was rediscovered in an unusud cupboard "A pathologist, Dr Dick Kittermaster, had donated the mummy to Uplands Community College but, with changing staff and the passing of time, it had been forgotten and mislaid. In the summer of 2004, however, a box was found on the top shelf of an unused cupboard containing the disarticulated mummy wrapped in linen: a delicate hand with nails, a foot, two femurs and a pelvis, which, along with the head and tightly wrapped neck, constituted what is now referred to as the Kittermaster Mummy. A previous post-mortem had identified that the mummy was that of a young female from around 700BC, but little more was known. To build up a picture of this shadowy stranger we would need expert help".

- Rhind Mummy Under The Scanner
MarketWatch Two thousand years ago, using state-of-the-art mummification techniques, a mummy was entombed in the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes. Now, using state-of-the-art High Definition Volume Rendering(R) software from California-based Fovia, Inc....

- More Re Return Of Mummy To Stonyhurst College, Yorks, Uk
Lancashire Telegraph A 2,500-YEAR-OLD Egyptian mummy has been returned to Stonyhurst College after more than 30 years. The remains of the unidentified young boy, aged five or six, left the Clitheroe Catholic boarding school in the 1970s for testing at...

- Story Of The Fake Fabyan Mummy
Kane County Chronicle Beyond suits of Japanese armor and a stuffed shark, it lies silently, wrapped in coffee-brown linen strips, clutching what appears to be an infant. A leg bone protrudes, and the Mummy of Fabyan Villa bares its teeth. However, unlike...

- Analysis Of Mummy Tchaenhotep. The analysis of mummy of Tchaenhotep have been released. The mummy, which was removed from the Valley of the Kings in 1903, had been damaged during a 1937 flood in Lousville, when a piano landed on the mummy, and damaged the leg...

- Reconstruction Of The Mummy Of Pum 1
Here we have the mummy known as Pum 1 (Pennsylvania University mummy 1), the mummy was autopsied back in 1972 and from the picture the mummy appears to be in good shape. However in reality the mummy from the waist up is in many pieces and overdue for...

