The Louvre and Abu Dhabi - politics and museums

The Louvre and Abu Dhabi - politics and museums
This story has been floating around the Internet for a couple of weeks now, but this is the most comprehensive coverage I have seen of it. Basically, the decision by the Louvre to charge Abu Dhabi a hefty sum for the use of its name and some of its collections has created more than a bit of a stir. It is of general interest, but there is also a paragraph within this that refers to the attempts by Egypt and other countries to repatriate various artefacts (including the Dendera Zodiac), and looks at the significance of so-called "national" collections: "Much of the opposition to the proposed Abu Dhabi Lourve lament that the French public will be deprived of its heritage. Three out of eight of the departments that structure the Louvre collection contain art from the Middle East and North Africa and are categorized as such: 'Near Eastern Antiquities,' 'Egyptian Antiquities' and 'Islamic Art.' If this latest transaction with Abu Dhabi does in fact indicate a move to exploit France’s patrimony, then it must be acknowledged that the 'French culture' being disputed over is not purely French nor is it devoid of a ruthless colonial history. In theory then, according to French opinion, it is perfectly acceptable to exploit non-French peoples and cultures for economic gain, whereas everything French is somehow sacrosanct and must be guarded from the tentacles of globalization."

- Repatriation: Louvre Items Returned To Egypt
France24 Gone are the days when young French writer André Malraux, who would go on to become France’s minister for culture, could chip off four sculptures from a Cambodian temple and ship them back to France. Almost a century later, the French government...

- The Louvre Takes Its Shows On The Road
International Herald Tribune (Dana Micucci) As growing numbers of art galleries and art fairs in Paris bid to restore the city's former luster as a center of international art, the Louvre Museum is also expanding its global reach, sending out expeditionary...

- Egyptian Exhibition In 7 Eu Countries
State Information Service Minister of Culture Farouq Hosni agreed to establish an exhibition for the Egyptian monuments in the French Valencine city under the name "Pharonics". The exhibition will move from Bahrain to France after being in el-Manama for...

- Repatriation - And Other Sca Policies An article about Zahi Hawass and his moves to repatriate important Egyptological artefacts: "Hawass’s list of national icons starts with the Nefertiti bust in Berlin and the Rosetta stone (ca....

- Louvre - Partial Photography Ban There has been a lot of discussion recently about whether or not the Louvre are going to ban photography, so thanks to Thierry Benderitter from for pointing out the above news item (first URL...

