The Mighty Doctor

The Mighty Doctor

Like many other of Dr. Hawass's books no doubt will be beautifully illustrated.

- Dr. Hawass Has Nothing To Explain
Dr. Zahi Hawass explains himself over criticism that he has been receiving but to a degree I still think Dr. Hawass probably is missing the point. As I am an avid reader and have read numerous articles and many of Dr. Hawass' books I can tell you...

- The Worship Of Bastet
Here is an article by Dr. Zahi Hawass about the cat Goddess Bastet.

- Son Of Akenaten
This is an interesting article from the good doctor however his conclusion is not backed up by his find.

- Dr. Hawass's Dig Days
When Dr. Hawass Speaks people listen so here are a number of interesting articles.

- The Superstar
This is a rundown of Dr. Hawass's intentions for his excavations in the valley of kings. Though most is already known Dr. Hawass failed to mention that the anomaly now regarded as KV64 was found by "The Amarna Royal Tombs Project". Loved the photo...

