The mummy who would be king

The mummy who would be king
This set of pages have been put together to accompany a TV programme which airs today in the U.S. As well as offering details about the subject matter in the show, it also features a number of articles of potential interest, including the following items.

Undiscovered Tombs
Could another crypt as rich as King Tut's still lie buried in Egypt's Valley of the Kings?
Who Was Rameses I?
A man of humble origins launches one of ancient Egypt's greatest dynasties.
Making Mummies
In this audio slide show, witness the elaborate ritual of preparing a body for burial.
The Afterlife
See a gallery of mummies as you read about what eternal life meant to ancient Egyptians.

See the above web pages for full details.

- Feature: Building Pharaoh's Ship
NOVA PBS Thanks to Rhio Barnhart for the link. Web pages to accompany the television show about expeditions to Punt, which airs in the US on PBS tomorrow. Thre's a video preview of the show on the site, but its unavailable to overseas visitors....

- Egypt Discovers 2,600 Year-old Mummy At Saqqara Burial Site
Google / Associated Press Inside the chamber, 22 mummies lay covered only by sand in four niches dug into the chamber's walls. Most were badly decomposed, showing only skulls and parts of skeletons, with decayed mummy wrappings. The sarcophagi were...

- Mystery Of The Screaming Mummy It was a blood-curdling discovery. The mummy of a young man with his hands and feed bound, his face contorted in an eternal scream of pain. But who was he and how did he die? On a scorching hot day at the end of June 1886, Gaston Maspero,...

- Kv55 - Ct-scan Of Mummy (akhenaten Or Smenkhkare?)
National Geographic (Brian Handwerk) CT Scans have been used on the KV55 mummy with a view to discovering its identity. The mummy's identity has generated fierce debate ever since its discovery in 1907 in tomb KV 55, located less than 100 feet (30...

- To The Great Lord Granted Eternal Life
With the arrival of the great cache of Dier el Bahari to the Boulaq museum in 1881 the directors found themselves in the presence of eleven kings of Dynasties 17 -21, ca. 1650 - 945 bce. Also accompanying the kings were seven queens and a number of prince's,...

