The mysterious kingdoms of the Nile

The mysterious kingdoms of the Nile

Light Mediation

Thanks to Mark Stott for the above link (in PDF format). The photos of the Meroe sites by Cyril le Tourneur d'Ison are absolutely gorgeous. Do have a look!

In the words of French writer, Olivier Rolin, "More truly and mysteriously than Egypt, Sudan is the realm of this fabled river". The magnetic beauty of North Sudan bears a resemblance to what Egypt was a century ago, before industrialisation and tourism took over.

A country whose people are exceptionally open and warm. There are few roads leading northwards from Khartoum following the path of the Nile, and conditions are
tough. The region is extraordinarily rich in archaeological heritage: on 11 January 2003 seven monumental statues of kings of the 25th dynasty were discovered in Kerma by members of the Swiss mission led by Charles Bonnet.

But the 20 years of conflict between Muslims in the north and Christians in the south, and the current massacre in the Darfur region, have sadly done nothing to develop the country's heritage. The building of a dam on the 4th cataract is now threatening to destroy some exceptional and still little-known sites.

- Kerma - Mission Archéologique Suisse Au Soudan Thanks again to AWOL for the link above for updates to the project. In the list of publications on the site many are in PDF format. Here's the site's summary of the project. Still today, Nubia is synonymous with a mysterious...

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The National “The road is tough,” Aiyman, my 30-year-old driver, said with a grin, as we hammered over another bump on a dirt track on the southern edge of the Saharan desert. I’m not sure what he was grinning at, except possibly the ridiculousness...

- The Findings Of A Swiss Archaeological Team In Northern Sudan
Yahoo! The Swiss archaeologist Charles Bonnet spent many years exploring the remains of Nubian civilization in northern Sudan, focusing particular attention on the site of Kerma, the capital of the Nubians, and finding evidence of the existence of a genuine...

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- Book Review: The Nubian Pharaohs: Black Kings On The Nile
Al Ahram Weekly (Jill Kamil) Charles Bonnet and Dominique Valbelle, (2006) The Nubian Pharaohs: Black Kings on the Nile, The American University in Cairo Press, Cairo. Al-Ahram Weekly reviews this well-illustrated publication written by archaeologist...

