The mystery of Tutankhamun

The mystery of Tutankhamun
An article looking at how Tutankhamun was discovered and why the Pharaoh and his tomb goods generate such interest and enthusiasm. The article is tied into the exhibition Treasures of Ancient Egypt currently on show at the Bahrain National Museum, and some mention of the exhibition is also made.

- Exhibition: Replicas Of Tutankhamun Tomb In Prague
Prague Post Interesting article about an exhibition showing replicas of the tomb of Tutankhamun, weighing the merits versus the problems associated with this particular display. The exhibit "King Tutankhamun - His Tomb and His Treasures," in Brno is,...

- Exhibition: Treasures Of Ancient Egypt
On the Gulf Daily News website AROUND 15,000 people have already visited the Treasures of Ancient Egypt exhibition at the Bahrain National Museum, officials have revealed. Acting director Fuad Noor declared the event a huge success and said it was one...

- Exhibition: Treasures Of Ancient Egypt"An international pharaoh exhibition opens under the patronage of minister Shaikh Khalifa Bin Salman Al Khalifa on Wednesday at the Bahrain National Museum. the exhibition, titled The Treasures of Ancient Egypt, is being...

- Exhibition: Tutankhamun To Bahrain ("Egypt's Tutankhamen exhibition is coming to Bahrain next year. Egypt has accepted in principle Bahrain's offer to host the Golden Pharaoh display in April, Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities...

- Exhibition: Tutankhamun To Visit Bahrain ("Egypt has agreed that Bahrain can host a roaming exhibition of Pharaoh Tutankhamun in April. Egyptian Ambassador Dr Azmi Khalifa said Bahrain will be the first Arab country in Middle East and North Africa...

