The Osiris Shaft

The Osiris Shaft

Here Dr. Hawass is back exploring the shaft under the causeway of Khafra which he believes is a symbolic tomb for Osiris.

- So Where Are Anthony And Cleopatra?
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) Advance warning - Indiana Jones reference. Cleopatra's curse hung over the ancient city of Taposiris Magna, 50km west of Alexandria, where excavators combed the sand last Saturday looking for her resting place with...

- Story Of The Deir El Bahri Cache (Zahi Hawass) I recently visited the Deir el-Bahari cache, which is a very difficult tomb to enter. It is down a 15-meter deep shaft, and you must be lowered down by rope into the shaft. From the vertical shaft is the entrance into the tomb:...

- The Mysterious Osiris Shaft Of Giza With photos. In 1945, the Egyptian archaeologist Abdel Moneim Abu Bakr came across a water-filled shaft inside a small tunnel that runs north-south under the causeway of Khafre at Giza. He explored it sufficiently to learn that it incorporated...

- Mummification Museum Lecture - Osiris Chapels, Karnak
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- Hawass Hopes To Locate The Tomb Of Cleopatra In his first trip to South Africa, Zahi Hawass has announced that he hopes to locate the tomb of Cloepatra in two months time: "Hawass told The Star on Wednesday that he suspects Cleopatra is buried with her Roman lover Mark Antony...

