The Pyramid Shafts: From Dixon to Pyramid Rover

The Pyramid Shafts: From Dixon to Pyramid Rover

Em Hotep! (Keith Payne)

Another excellent summary of a subject that fascinates the public.

Last May the Project Djedi Team caught the world’s attention, and imagination, when they announced that the robot crawler designed to explore the southern shaft leading out of the Queen’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid had transmitted back images of markings left behind by the pyramid’s builders. Hidden behind a “door” that had either thwarted or limited previous attempts to investigate the shaft, the markings prompted much speculation about their nature and purpose.

- Hieroglyphs Found Recent In Great Pyramid Are Numbers
Discovery News (Rossella Lorenzi) Mysterious hieroglyphs written in red paint on the floor of a hidden chamber in Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza are just numbers, according to a mathematical analysis of the 4,500-year-old mausoleum. Shown to the world...

- Pyramid-exploring Robot Reveals Hidden Hieroglyphs
New Scientist (Rowan Hooper) With diagram. THEY might be ancient graffiti tags left by a worker or symbols of religious significance. A robot has sent back the first images of markings on the wall of a tiny chamber in the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt...

- The Djedi Team Robot (Zahi Hawass) Recently I went to visit the Great Pyramid of Khufu and observe the work of the Djedi team. Djedi is a joint international-Egyptian mission, which I named after Djedi, the magician who Khufu consulted when planning the layout...

- The Second Door on today's edition of the Egyptian Gazette website by Zahi Hawass about investigations of the "air shafts" in the Great Pyramid - nothing new here, but I have added it in case it is of interest. It is...

- Unseen Markings In Great Pyramid
A robot travelling up the so called air shaft of the great pyramid has found red builders markings behind a door with metal pins in it in the shaft. The robot was built by engineer Rob Richardson from the University of Leeds as part of the Djedi project...

