The Search for Mount Sinai

The Search for Mount Sinai

Archaeologists Professor Emmanuel Anati believes he has discovered the true mount where Moses received the ten commandments from God. Mount Sinai in the Egyptian Sinai peninsula has long been thought of as the place but Professor Anati through his excavations believes the correct mount is in Israel's Negev desert at a mount known as Har Karkom.

Professor Anati has had meetings with members of the Vatican and believes that they are in agreement with him and set to arrange pilgrimages to the site. Anati discovered at Har Karkom more than a thousand finds including sanctuaries, rock paintings, altars and a tablet that resembled the ten commandments.

Anati also believes the date of the biblical Exodus from Egypt should be a thousand years earlier around 2200 and 2000 bc than what is currently thought.

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