The Spatial Structure of Kom el-Hisn

The Spatial Structure of Kom el-Hisn
The online version of Tony Cagle's dissertation, completed as part of his PhD submission: "The nature of Old Kingdom settlement patterns is poorly understood due to a lack of well-excavated sites of a variety of sizes and locations. Most of our knowledge of Old Kingdom settlement function comes from epigraphic sources and a few excavations of towns located next to and servicing temple and mortuary complexes. Consequently, there is little data regarding the ways in which the bulk of the population interacted economically. Some have suggested that rural towns and villages were largely self-sufficient in basic goods and services, articulating with the central authority through taxes and corvee labor requirements. Others argue that many settlements were directly administered by agents of the king and court and were dependent on and integrated into the national economy. Resolution of this issue has been hampered by a lack of well-excavated settlements of a variety of sizes and spatial distribution. The purpose of this research is to investigate in detail the spatial structure of a single site, Kom el-Hisn, located in the Delta region". Okay, so Tony is an online friend of mine, but this is a great piece of work - if you are interested in the Old Kingdom, take a look.

- Photos From Kom El-hisn
ArchaeoBlog - first set and second set (Tony Cagle) Thanks to Tony for posting some great photos from the excavations at Kom el-Hisn, a multi period site in the Delta.Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Field Photos From Kom El Hisn
ArchaeoBlog (Tony Cagle) Tony has posted some photographs from the days when he was involved in field work at the site Kom el Hisn, in the western Delta. That’s a burial in a mud brick tomb. It was intrusive into the other structures meaning it was...

- Online - The Tell Edfu Project
Oriental Institute See the above page for the links. The remains of what once had been the provincial capital of the 2nd Upper Egyptian nome can be found at Tell Edfu, which is one of the best well-preserved ancient towns in Egypt. The continuous occupation...

- Field Work
Austrian archaeologists discover Babylonian seal in Egypt Austrian Times Lisa Chapman A seal has been found in Tell el Dab'a in Egypt's eastern Delta. It dates to the period of the Hyksos occupation in the second millennium BC. Irene Forstner-Müller,...

- Archaeological Sites In Egypt - Websites
The following is a list of the archaeolgical sites currently listed on my Egyptology Portal, in alphabetical order, together with URLs for the sites concerned. On the site itself I have a paragraph of description covering each. However, this is just a...

