The Tutankhamun panther prior to restoration

The Tutankhamun panther prior to restoration

A sad photograph of the panther from the damaged statue of Tutankhamun standing on a panther before restoration work began.

- Restoring Artefacts - What Does It Take?
PBS Newshour (Evan Conway) As the dust settles on Egypt's recent protests, one less-discussed outcome of the uprising is the damage done to some of the country's ancient artifacts. After would-be looters broke into the famous Egyptian museum in...

- Egypt Antiquities Restoration Under Way
National Geographic Video showing some of the damage at the museum, restoration work in progress, and Hawass offering reassurance about the safety of museums and monuments. There is an unedited transcript to accompany the video on the above page. More...

- A Step Nearer To Finding The Land Of Punt?
Heritage Key (Owen Jarus) Throughout their history the ancient Egyptians recorded making voyages to a place called the 'Land of Punt'. To the Egyptians it was a far-off source of exotic animals and valuable goods. From there they brought back...

- Tutankhamun's Sticks
Eight sticks belonging to the collection of artifacts of King Tutankhamun have been transferred from Egypt's Cairo Museum to the unfinished Grand Egyptian Museum's laboratories for restoration. The article says they will be returned to the Cairo...

- A Broken Statue Of Tutankhamun
During the recent Egyptian revolution a pack of robbers entered the Cairo museum stealing and smashing a number of the museums artifacts. The images of the following day included a broken gilded statuette of a feminine king walking on a plinth on the...

