The Viziers False Door

The Viziers False Door

A short article by Dr. Hawass on a recent discovery of a false door from the vizier of Hatshepsut discovered in a Roman construction at Karnak.

- More Re Saqqara Tombs Discovery Press Release with photographs Two rock-hewn painted tombs considered as two of the most distinguished tombs ever found from the Old Kingdom were discovered last week at Saqqara necropolis. Cultural Minister, Mr. Farouk Hosni, announced today...

- Two New Tombs Discovered In Saqqara
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El Aref) With photo. Minister of Culture Farouk Hosni has announced the discovery of two of the most important tombs ever found at Saqqara. The tombs dating from the Old Kingdom, which are in a part of the necropolis to the west...

- The Vizier's Door
Al Ahram Wekkly (Nevine El-Aref) According to Zahi Hawass, secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA), the door, which is 175cm tall, 100cm wide and 50cm thick, is engraved with religious texts as well as User's various titles:...

- Painting False Doors At Herakleopolis Magna
Al Ahram Weekly With photograph. THE HERAKLEOPOLIS false doors, which date back to the First Intermediate Period and Early Middle Kingdom era, display the skills of local artisans. Among these magnificent doors are those belonging to Lady Meret, who held...

- Old Kingdom Physicians Tomb Found
At Abusir a team of archaeologists has discovered the tomb of a 5th Dynasty Physician Shepseskaf-Ankh and his family. A large false door gives the names and titles of Shepseskaf including Priest of the God Khnum and priest of the sun temples which kings...

