Theoretical Archaeology Group 2007

Theoretical Archaeology Group 2007

TAG 2007 Session Abstracts

TAG will be held this year in York (UK). Full details of the Session Abstracts are available on the TAG 2007 website (there are too many to list here).

A list of former TAG meetings can be found on the Antiquity website, which also provides a useful summary of TAG's goals:

The Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG) was founded as a national body in 1979 with the aim of promoting debate and discussion of issues in theoretical archaeology. Its principal activity is the promotion of an annual conference, traditionally held in December and organised so as to be accessible at low cost to research students and others. TAG is managed and steered by a National Committee that meets annually and comprises a representative from each of the university departments that have hosted a TAG Conference. Convening and organizing National Committee meetings, and administering TAG finances, is the duty of the TAG Trustees who are:
- Colin Renfrew (1979 - date)
- Andrew Fleming (1979 - 2001)
- Timothy Darvill (2001 - date)

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