Thomas Cook

Thomas Cook

In the late 19th century Cook was a name every traveller to Egypt and many other places in the world knew. The name represented safety for the traveller and the Cook became one of the worlds first trusted travel agencies.

- Photo For Today. Oh Dear.
Trouble at Three Castles (west of Gilf Kebir). We went on without the car, its driver and our cook, who stayed to wait for help to arrive from Cairo. Fortunately we had satellite phones so the situation was well under control and help was soon sent from...

- East Meets West - And It's Love
The National (Tahira Yaqoob) A look at the influence of oriental art and culture on western art and ideas, inspired by a new exhibition of modern art from the Middle East at the Saatchi gallery in London. Fresh from his travels in the Middle East, the...

- Exhibition: Nile Letters
McGill Library and Collections Nile Letters: From Montrealers and Others is centered on the letters Peter Redpath sent to a friend in London while he was travelling up the Nile in Egypt in the winter of 1873. Peter Redpath was not the only notable McGill...

- Travel: The Traveller (tour Company)
The Traveller UK I very rarely mention commercial enterprises, particularly travel companies who used to swamp me with requests to advertise their products. However, over the last few years a number of potential visitors to Egypt have asked me if I know...

- The Quicky Tour Of Cairo's Old Museum
A somewhat short venture around the museum. I however might dart straight to the mummy galleries.

