Those Tests?

Those Tests?

With the recent release of a Journal of American Medicine Association(JAMA) publication on the tests recently conducted on king Tutankhamen and a number of eighteenth dynasty mummies believed to be relations many questions have been raised.

I have found that Kate over at "The Valley of Kings" is raising some questions on the findings which I think are very interesting thoughtful and well worth reading.

- How Tutankhamun Died - The Latest Questions
A new Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) letter from Christian Timmann, MD and Christian G. Meyer, MD, challenges the Hawass et al conclusions about how Tutankhmaum died published earlier this year. Although this is the letter that the...

- Answering Questions About Tutankhamun Dna
News from the Valley of the Kings (Kate Phizackerley) Kate has rounded up all the questions about her post concerning the outcomes of the research posted in the JAMA article. It is a comprehensive post, addressing a number of topics. Egyptology News...

- Dna Shows That Kv55 Mummy Probably Not Akhenaten
News from the Valley of the Kings (Kate Phizackerley) Kate has reviewed the JAMA article and has come to a different view of the KV55 mummy than that proposed by the authors. Here's the abstract, but the complete article is available at the above...

- After Nefertiti
With the recent release of the data from the DNA and CT scanning of the eighteenth dynasty mummies in particular the mummies believed related to king Tutankhamen some new questions have been raised. The results show that the Kv55 man found in a coffin...

- Royal Mummies
The news is filled with articles on the relations revealed through the DNA and other testing that has been done over the last couple of years on the eighteenth dynasty mummies. There are reports that Ankhesunamen(Tutankhamen's wife) has potentially...

