Three new EES videos online

Three new EES videos online

The Egypt Exploration Society

Three new EES films - on the Archive project, Saqqara Day in Leiden & the 4th edition of Who Was Who in Egyptology

We have recently uploaded three more short films to our YouTube channel 
Leiden Presentation of Maya and Meryt I (uploaded on 8 June)
On 2 June 2012 at the annual Saqqara Day of the Friends of Saqqara Foundation in Leiden, Professor Geoffrey Martin was presented with the first copy of the latest Excavation Memoir published by the Egypt Exploration Society - The Tomb of Maya and Meryt I. A report on the day can be found here and this short video records the actual presentation to Geoffrey Martin.
Who Was Who in Egyptology (uploaded on 10 June)
The fourth edition of Who Was in Egyptology will be available from June 2012. This short clip includes a selection of newly added photos and a time-lapse portrait of the Editor, Dr Morris Bierbrier, at work during the preparation of the new edition.
Rehousing the Abydos & Amarna Photographs (uploaded on 12 June)
In 2012 a project to re-house thousands of glass negatives taken at the temple of Sety I at Abydos and at Tell El-Amarna, in the 1920s and 30s, was completed. The work was funded by the generous contributions of EES members. Further information can be found here.

Earlier videos of our fieldwork, archival projects and events are also still available on our YouTube channel.

- Petrie Images On Flickr
Egypt Exploration Society Not to be missed!  These photos are super. The EES Lucy Gura Archive contains numerous photographs from the digs of Flinders Petrie, the Society's first excavator, and the most prolific. In his 42 year career, Petrie...

- New Archive Space Takes Shape At Ees
Egypt Exploration Society With some great photos. For the last few months the new archive space in no. 4 Doughty Mews has slowly been taking shape. The room in question was formerly the kitchen of Professor Caminos who lived at no. 4 until his death...

- Amice Calverley, The Ees, And The Temple Of Sety I At Abydos
Egypt Exploration Society With some gorgeous b&w photos from the 1920s. The Heritage Key article mentioned below dates to early February. A fascinating article on Amice Calverley, who worked for the Society in the temple of Sety I at Abydos, has just...

- Friends Of The Petrie On You Tube
Thanks to Jan Picton (Secretary, Friends of the Petrie) for the following information. The Friends of the Petrie Museum have received an unusual donation from PMF committee member, Gillian Mosely. Gillian is the Director of Medialab, a concept house that...

- Including the 2009 dig diaries. Welcome to A visitor to the site before 1975 would have viewed a landscape uncluttered by monuments of any kind ... An observant visitor might have noticed rough rectangular depressions in the sand:...

