Thutmose III in Edinburgh

Thutmose III in Edinburgh
A good description of the reconstructed tomb of Thutmose III, part of the exhibition currently showing in Edinburgh: "Outside, it might look like a wooden box, but inside, it’s the burial chamber of Pharaoh Thutmose III. With its stone walls, hieroglyphs and sand-edged floor, the full-scale model puts you deep in the heart of the Valley Of The Kings. There are advantages to visiting a reproduction rather than the real thing. The original burial chamber is hot and sticky, its wall drawings protected behind plate glass. There’s no such inconvenience at the City Art Centre, though the atmosphere is punctured by the distant grinding of the gallery escalators and the chatter of the reception desk; perhaps some sort of ambient soundtrack would help". See the above URL at the Sunday Herald for more details of the tomb reconstruction. For details of the exhibition itself see the City Arts Centre website at

I have been asked by a number of people to find out where the exhibition is scheduled to travel next, if it is scheduled to travel atall. Apart from some vague references to "other venues in Europe" I have been unable to find anything at all - so if anyone has any information, please let me know.

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