Ticket Prices and Tutankhamun

Ticket Prices and Tutankhamun

An article about the financing of the Tutankhamun exhibition: "New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, which hosted the Treasures of Tutankhamen in 1978 and helped organize the original tour, declined to show Tut this time, citing a 1987 policy of not charging for individual exhibitions. The Met's suggested admission is $15. Ticket prices for Tutankhamun were set by the host museums and Arts & Exhibitions International, which co-produced the exhibition with National Geographic and also produced Diana. The show is financed by AEG, formerly the Anschutz Entertainment Group, which owns and operates the Staples Center in Los Angeles and promotes rock concerts. Ticket prices factor in a $5 million guarantee per museum for the Egyptian government, which owns the artifacts and stands to receive as much as $10 million per venue if the show meets certain attendance goals. Each of the museums hosting the exhibition agreed to the terms, says Arts & Exhibitions International founder and President John Norman. The money will be spent to build new museums in Cairo and to restore Egypt's archaeological treasures. But some question the value of paying four times the normal price of admission to see an exhibition while jostling for space with hundreds, perhaps a thousand other people".

- Tutankhamun's Last Leg?
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) Although Houston has fallen under the spell of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, it is widely thought that a large number of visitors could come to the exhibition because they think this might be the last chance to see Tutankhamun's...

- Profit, Not Learning, Drives 'tutankhamun'
SFGate (Kenneth Baker) With photos. Among people with a professional interest in the arts, "Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs," which opens today at the M.H. de Young Memorial Museum, will merely deepen the tarnish on the reputation of the...

- Exhibition: Tutankhamun In Indianapolis
Huliq Another story about the build-up to the move of the Golden Pharaohs to Indianapolis. Don't forget that if you are in London in August you have just one month to see the exhibition at the O2 in Greenwich. I shall be going along for one last visit...

- Exhibition: Tutankhamun
http://tinyurl.com/2salwj (nj.com)"Though the new Tut tour the past two years has appeared in art museums like the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Fort Lauderdale Art Museum, as well as the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, it was turned...

- From Pharaoh To "product"
http://www.theartnewspaper.com/article01.asp?id=19An article looking at the organization and finance behind the Tutankhamun exhibition: "The show is produced by three organisations: AEG LIVE Exhibitions, which owns London’s Millennium Dome and is one...

