Tiy statue and Hathor pillar captial

Tiy statue and Hathor pillar captial

There have been lots more bulletins about Queen Tiy scattered around the Web, but none of them contain any new information. I will post anything new when it turns up, but won't be adding anything that duplicates earlier posts. However, the photos on the Temple of Mut Dig Diary (John Hopkins) have been supplemented with a set of images of the queen both showing the cartouches much more clearly, and showing the visit of Zahi Hawass to see the new discovery:

The rest of the above site has some wonderful photographs of the excavation, and provides a real insight into the daily activities of field archaeologists working on a site of this type. See the link at the top of the page to see the dig diary from both this season, and previous seasons. One of the finds this season has been a Hathor pillar capital, which has now be cleaned, looks wonderful, and is shown on this page:

- Hopkins In Egypt Today (dig Diary)
http://www.jhu.edu/neareast/egypttoday.html The Johns Hopkins team is back in Luxor, and their dig diary has been up and running against since June 7th 2007 at the above address. Each day's update consists mainly of a photo gallery with informative...

- John Hopkins University Dig Diary
http://www.jhu.edu/neareast/egypttoday.htmlA quick reminder that the 2007 Dig Diary of the John Hopkins University team working at Luxor has been updated (up until the 27th January so far) at the above address.Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Jhu Hopkins Dig Diary Up And Running
http://www.jhu.edu/neareast/egypttoday.htmlThe JHU Dig Diary for their work in Karnak is up and running, with entries posted for the 20th and 21st January 2007. There are lots of photographs accompanied by explanatory text, of which the following is a...

- Hopkins Dig Diary
http://www.newswise.com/articles/view/526634/"Egyptologist Betsy Bryan and her crew are once again sharing their work with the world through an online diary, a digital window into day-to-day life on an archaeological dig. Starting about Friday, Jan. 19,...

- Temple Of Mut Dig Diary
http://www.newswise.com/articles/view/517129/"Egyptologist Betsy Bryan and her crew are once again sharing their work with the world through an online diary, a digital window into day-to-day life on an archaeological dig. Starting Thursday, Jan. 5, visitors...

