Tomb of Kheruef now listed on OsirisNet

Tomb of Kheruef now listed on OsirisNet


Thanks to Thierry Benderitter and Jon Hirst for making full details of the tomb of Kheruef, TT192, available on OsirisNet, with 170 photos and drawings.

The tomb of the steward of the Great Royal Wife Tiy had initially been designed to be immense. The decoration is particularly beautiful,

The tomb is located at the pivotal point between the reign of Amenhotep III and that of his son Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) and is of great historic importance.

A special page is dedicated to a numerical assessment of the work required.

Original pages by Thierry Benderitter. English translation by Jon J Hirst. Photographs by Thierry Benderitter, Christiane Dispot, Cau Brualla, Serge Blanc, Raymond Betz, Alain Guilleux (site Une promenade en Égypte). Bibliographic help and for the translation from German sources: Georges Engel. © Copyright OsirisNet 2009

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