Too frail to travel

Too frail to travel
This is an excellent and straight forward piece from Margaret Maitland's elegant Egyptology blog, which compares the refusal of Germany to allow the Nefertiti bust to travel with Egypt's own decision not to send the famous Tutankhamun golden mask on tour with the Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of Pharaohs exhibition: "Although a number of Germans are actively supporting the loan, the Berlin Museum is using the same argument that the Egyptians used for keeping Tut’s death mask from travelling—it claims that the Nefertiti bust is too fragile to travel. This could quite possibly true. However, Zahi Hawass is not convinced and is threatening to declare the bust stolen property and start legal action to have it returned to Egypt permanently."
See the above page for her complete post.

- Issues Surrounding The Nefertiti Bust. El-Aref talking about the request, made by Zahi Hawass, to lend Egypt the famous Nefertiti bust, currently on permanent display in Berlin, for a three month period: "Hawass asked the German government...

- Nefertiti Going Nowhere
Germany's Minister of Culture Bern Nuemann said today that the bust of Nefertiti in the Neues museum in Berlin will stay in Berlin. The minister was responding to the Egyptian Minister of culture Dr. Zahi Hawass who keeps threatening to make an official...

- Never Ending Nefertiti
I recently purchased an old book and found inside a 50 year old postcard from Luxor with a picture of none other than the Berlin Nefertiti and wow here I am writing yet another piece on her. The controversy level on this bust is through the roof and doubtless...

- More Nefertiti To Love
The transfer of the bust of Nefertiti from Berlin's Altes museum to its new home at the newly restored Neues museum on museum island has raised the old lingering question of who owns the iconic bust and what validity does the statement "to fragile...

- A Threatening Speech
In a speech made by Dr. Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of Egypt's Supreme council of antiquities a few of years ago in Paris to members of UNESCO's Intergovernmental committee for the return of cultural heritage. Dr. Hawass made a fiery speech...

