Tour Egypt - New Blogs Launched

Tour Egypt - New Blogs Launched
Tour Egypt's featured article today features their new blogs, including this Egyptology News Blog, a Luxor News Blog, a blog about the roll-out of an Egyptian wedding. I agreed to participate by publishing the Egyptology News Blog because I found the whole idea very exciting - it is sometimes difficult to obtain timely or insightful information about Egypt, and the this initiative hopes to aggregate news as a central resource. I have become an avid reader of all the blogs. See the article for more details.
A number of people have asked me about the future of this blog now that I am updating the Tour Egypt blog - just to let you know that this site will definately continue to operate as it always has done. I know that the archives on this site are accessed just as often as the new topics, and it is always useful to have back-up, so so I will continue to run both of the blogs in tandem.

- New Ancient Egypt Blog Portal
Via News from the Valley of the Kings by Kate Phizackerley on 09/08/10 Kate has posted about a new Ancient Egypt blog portal which she and Vincent have put together in WordPress. It is affiliated with the new magazine that Kate and I have been working...

- Who Was King Tutankhamun? The latest Tour Egypt featured story coincides with the Tutankhamun tour of the U.S. It is entitled Who Was King Tut? and looks at his parentage, his royal names, and his reign.Egyptology News Blog,...

- Featured Article On Kom Ombo Tour Egypt's most recent Featured Article, by Mark Andrews in entitled "Kom Ombo and the Temple of Sobek and Haroeris". This piece provides a good summary of the site, and is accompanied by some...

- Egyptological: Favorite Blogs
As my readers will already know that Andrea of Egyptology News and Kate of News from the Valley of the Kings have recently launched their Egyptological site which now includes a Favorite Blogs page which highlights articles on a number of sites including...

- Unknown Man "e"
Unknown man "E" is all the talk today as he has been for more than a 120 years. This article comes with a good video on the mummy and his CT. scanning.

