Toutankhamon Magazine - August/September 2006

Toutankhamon Magazine - August/September 2006
Toutankhamon magazine, no.28 (August/September 2006) is now available in French. Contents are listed below:

Actualités :
Le Musée Imhotep de Saqqarah
Les dernières fouilles de Karnak, avec l'interview du directeur de la mission franco-égyptienne de Karnak, Emmanuel Laroze

Dossier spécial pharaons:
Narmer, Djoser, Khéops, Pépi II, Montouhotep II, les Sésostris, le roi Hor, Kamosis, Amosis, Thoutmosis I, Hatshepsout, Thoutmosis III, Aménophis III, Akhenaton, Toutankhamon, Horemheb, Séthy I, Ramsès II, Ramsès III, les Psousennés, les Psammétique, les Nectanébo, Ptolémée I, Cléopâtre VII !

Gizeh : les pyramides servies sur un plateau

Contact information can be found at:

- Toutankhamon Magazine August/september 2007
Toutankhamon Magazine Thanks to Francois Tonic for the details of the August/September 2007 issue of Toutankhamon magazine (issue 34):Une tombe inviolée à Deir el-Barsha !150 ans d'archéologie en ÉgypteLa renaissance de KarnakAventurier: Le temple...

- Toutankhamon Magazine June/july Thanks to Francois Tonic for the information that issue number 33 (June/July) of Toutankhamon Magazine is now available (in French). For full details see the above page. - L'énigme des pyramides - Thoutmosis IV et...

- Toutankhamon Magazine - February/march 2007 Thanks to Editor Francois Tonic for the information that the latest volume of Toutankhamon Magazine is now available (in French). Subscription and other details are available at the above address, as well as podcasts and...

- Toutankhamon Magazine October 2006 The new issue of Toutankhamon Magazine, #29, is avaible. Full details about this issue and how to subscribe can be found at the above address, but contents are as follows: Actualités : Tombe 64 de...

- Toutankhamon Magazine Issue 26 to Francois Tonic for the information that the latest issue of Toutankhamon Magazine is out (Issue 26). Details are available at the above address. The contents for Issue 26 are listed below. Actualités :- TOUTES...

