Toutankhamon Magazine #37 (Feb/March 2008)

Toutankhamon Magazine #37 (Feb/March 2008)

Toutankhamon Magazine

Thanks to Francois Tonic for emailing to let me know that Toutankhamon Magazine (n°37, février/mars 2008) is now available. It is nice to see them running another article about the prehistory of Egypt.

The magazine is available from news stands or by subscription (details of both are available on the website). Sadly, there is apparently still no provision for the purchase of single copies by overseas would-be purchasers.

The website shows the cover listing as featuring Nefertiti, but this is contradicted by the cover itself, as well as a second contents listing.

- Nefertari
- Les chapelles d'or de Toutankhamon
- Hatshepsout
- Pount enfin retrouvé !
- Les pilleurs de tombes
- La préhistoire de l'Égypte
- Les funerailles dans l'ancienne Egypte

More details of each of these articles is available on the above page. Here's the description for the article on Egyptian prehistory:

Quand nous évoquons l’Égypte, nous pensons immanquablement aux temples, aux tombes, à Karnak, Toutankhamon, Amarna, etc. Il existait pourtant quelque chose avant le roi Narmer. Ce quelque chose, Petrie, célèbre égyptologue anglais, l’appela « dynastie 0 ». Mais encore avant, il y a la préhistoire de l’Égypte. Inconnue du grand public, les spécialistes de cette période, en France, se comptent sur les doigts d’une main, voire de deux...

This month's Images Du Mois is a good one, featuring the Sadd el Kafara dam: "Le plus vieux barrage du monde, appelé Sadd el-Kafara. Très difficile d'accès dans une zone peu accessible où les clans possèdent de grands pouvoirs. Nous avons vécu une véritable expédition pour admirer ce monument exceptionnel!"

Some of the articles from previous issues are available free of charge online. The most recent is a short interview with Dr Nicholas Reeves, focusing mainly on "KV-64".

- Toutankhamon Magazine August/september 2007
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- Toutankhamon Magazine - February/march 2007 Thanks to Editor Francois Tonic for the information that the latest volume of Toutankhamon Magazine is now available (in French). Subscription and other details are available at the above address, as well as podcasts and...

- Toutankhamon Magazine October 2006 The new issue of Toutankhamon Magazine, #29, is avaible. Full details about this issue and how to subscribe can be found at the above address, but contents are as follows: Actualités : Tombe 64 de...

- Toutankhamon Magazine Thanks to Francois Tonic for the information that the most recent issue of Toutankhamon Magazine is now avaible (French only). The contents are as follows: Biographie:Les grandes reines de l'Égypte ancienne Sésostris...

