Tragedy in Papyrus

Tragedy in Papyrus

New fragments of the papyrus known as the Turin Kings list have been found in the basement of the Turin museum in Italy.

- The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus
Thanks to the Resource Shelf blog for the information that the Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus is now available online at the Turning the Pages Online website, from where you can load the virtual papyrus, or you can link to it directly by clicking here (it...

- More Re Turin Papyrus
Discovery Channel News (Rossella Lorenzi) Good summary of what the Turin Canon actually is and what the newly discovered fragments mean for its interpretation. Some newly recovered papyrus fragments may finally help solve a century-old puzzle, shedding...

- Lost Fragments Of The Turin Canon Have Been Found
Enemigos de la Egiptología (EDE) (Teresa Soria) Pieces of the Turin Canon have been rediscovered. Here's a rough summary of the first few paragraphs: Bridget Leach and Richard Parkinson, British Museum experts, are meeting in the Egyptian Museum...

- Ancient Papyrus Goes On Display"It served first as a notebook for ancient painters and then as part of a mummy's wrapping. Now, a first century B.C. parchment believed to contain the earliest cartography of the Greek-Roman...

- The Lost Dynasty Of Abydos
Here is another article on the recent discovery of Second intermediate period tombs of two kings, one unknown but of who's damaged name may be on the mutilated "Kings list" in the Turin museum, Italy. The article comes with a number of new pictures...

