Travel: A visit to Luxor's West Bank

Travel: A visit to Luxor's West Bank (
Travel article looking at some of the sites on Luxor's West Bank: "Hidden between enormous limestone cliffs in the Valley of Kings was Tuthmosis III’s tomb, reached by a steep staircase. he was the first king to build his tomb in the valley and to keep it secret, the sarcophagus was put in a most inaccessible spot, via narrow, low claustrophobic passages going up and down. Even then graverobbers got to him. Now the chambers are lit and equipped with ventilators and air pumps but we wore masks as our breaths would affect the drawings — which were indeed magnificent. Superb heiroglyphics and colours depicted scenes of a night sky, offerings to gods, daily chores during afterlife".

- State Of The Art Equipment Installed In Egyptian Tomb With two photographs of the tomb. Minister of Culture, Farouk Hosni, announced today that the tomb of Haremhab, in the Valley of the King’s on Luxor’s West Bank, has been reopened following the installation of state-of-the-art equipment...

- Travel: Luxor Experienced From The West Bank
The Boston Globe (Dan Orzech) The tomb of the boy pharaoh Tutankhamun lies on the west bank of the Nile River. So do a host of other awe-inspiring remains of ancient Egypt, sights that help draw as many as 2 million visitors a year to the area. Most tourists,...

- Jane Akshar's Luxor News Blog Updates
Luxor News Blog Jane has been busy whilst I have been away. She has updated her blog with a number of articles, accompanied as usual by some great photos, as follows: Photos of the shrine to Ptah and Meretseger on the West Bank Visiting El KabEl Kab...

- New Mummy Found?
Yahoo News There are various oddities in this article. For a start Tomb 99 (Sennefer) is in the Valley of the Nobles (not the Valley of the Kings), and and the excavations lead by Cambridge University's Nigel Strudwick, and reported in detail on his...

- Travel: Rediscovering Luxor mixed travel article that looks beyond the normal tourist routes and offers alternative ways of enjoying some of what Luxor has to offer. The first part of the article focuses exlusively on the joys of the...

