Travel: Desert day-trips

Travel: Desert day-trips
"A short drive out of the city will put you in a whole new world of vast dunes and bare rock. There’s so much to see and experience that you don’t necessarily have to be a happy camper to enjoy the desert. And with sand stretching from the Western Desert to the oases of Bahariyya, Farafra, Dakhla and Kharga, you don’t even need a long weekend to try your hand at desert exploration.
What makes taking a desert day trip so special is that you don’t have a fixed itinerary and can explore as much as you want — as long as you know where you’re heading and how to get back to where you started. You move at your own pace and don’t have to worry about waiting for others as you would with a tour on a bus. If you find a place particularly interesting and want to explore some more, or take a short hike, you can easily do so."

- Travel: Dakhla Oasis
New Stuff We will be starting our journey in the footsteps of Rohlfs this December 2009 from Dakhla Oasis. Below is some information about the place. Dakhla is among the most remote oases being far from both Cairo and Luxor. To get there from Cairo you...

- Travel: Out Of The Towns And Into The Lovely Oases
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- Travel: Sahara Safari
Deccan Herald (Arjun Manjunath) A description of a brief trip to Farafra's splendid White Desert. The reference to "the most amazing desert cheese" made me feel like abandoning rainy London and getting straight on a plane! Gibna beida is something...

- Travel: The Western Desert is always good to see the Western Desert being featured in travel stories, for a change. This article describes the highlights of a family's trip to the Egyptian Western Desert, picking out some...

- Travel Items
The Western Desert Oasis of Farafra is very nice to see a travel review of one of the wonderful Western Desert oases, this the remote and untouched of all the oases: "The White Desert beckons, with...

