Travel: Journal of a visit to Egypt

Travel: Journal of a visit to Egypt Getting There Cairo and Alexandria Photo Gallery
Written in three parts, this is one person's informal account of travel to and around Egypt. The third part (People and Places) has yet to be written.
"Of the two cities, Cairo, on the Nile, is very cosmopolitan and Alexandria, on the Mediterranean, is more conservative.
While feluccas, barges and small fishing boats ply the Nile day and night, the river truly comes alive at night with boats decorated with colored lights, many blaring music, offering dinner cruises or just rides until the wee hours of the morning.
Time seems to have little meaning in either city. You breakfast at lunch time, lunch at dinnertime and dine anywhere from 8 p.m. to midnight or later. People phone and come to visit at all hours. A young lady in Alexandria came to call at 1 a.m. to show us the photos of her engagement party."

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