Travel: Cairo, Luxor and Aswan

Travel: Cairo, Luxor and Aswan
"No wonder, Luxor has been referred to as the world’s greatest open-air museum. We arrived in the wee hours of the morn and instead of crawling back into bed, sat spellbound at our hotel room balcony that provided a breathtaking view of the Nile and the valleys beyond. It was lovely to watch how the still waters of the Nile at day break slowly transformed to a busy port during the day, with several cruise liners docking in. From the balcony we could also see the famed Luxor temple. Modern living and history co-exist here, a good blend of the past and present.
We set off energetically to attack Egypt’s history. We first visited the museum, which housed some of the most magnificent figurines of kings and queens, excavated from the temples.
We proceeded to the next historical wonder of Karnak temple complex. It is the largest temple complex ever built by man, and represents the combined achievement of many generations of ancient builders. Karnak during ancient time was Ipet-isut, meaning ‘The most sacred of places’. We could feel the triumphs and tribulations of Kings Ramses, Amon Re, Tuthmosis and Queens Nefertiti, Nefartari, Hetshepsut, etc through their life size statues and obelisks."
See the above page for the entire account.

- Much Needed Makeover For Three Goddesses
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) The temples of the Karnak complex stand majestically on the east bank of the Nile at Luxor, their awe-inspiring architecture flaunting the great and noble civilisation of ancient Egypt. We know from historical records...

- Karnak To Undergo Restoration
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) The Karnak development project will soon be officially inaugurated by President Hosni Mubarak, Nevine El-Aref reports Even in ruins, Karnak Temples remain a spectacular sight. Within the temples enclosure is a cluster...

- Travel: In Pharaohs’ Steps
The National (Katherine Darcy) Holidaymakers with a passion for the historical will be in their element in Luxor. The city, often nicknamed the “world’s greatest open-air museum”, is home to two thirds of the world’s historical monuments. Located...

- Nile Be Back (The Mirror) Travel article: "Heading back to Luxor to rejoin our cruiser Viking III we passed a village where little has changed since their ancestors built the tombs. There are mudbrick houses - roofless as there is no rain...

- Astronomy At Karnak discussion of potential astronomical role/status of Karnak: "Near the Nile River lies a temple complex called Karnak in what was once ancient Thebes and is now modern Luxor. The great Temple of Amun...

