Travel: Ebb and flow of life on the Nile

Travel: Ebb and flow of life on the Nile
A travel article by Susan Pigg that looks at the Nile cruise experience, and breaks the main sites down into digestible chunks (and is more useful than the usual travelogue): "Aswan was the source of much of the granite used for the Pyramids of Giza and the massive obelisks erected to mark temple entrances. The stone was chipped out of the ground (without benefit of metal tools), loaded on boats and floated down the Nile. You begin to understand the super-human effort involved when you visit the quarry of the Unfinished Obelisk not far from the waterfront. Ancient Egyptians had chipped three of the four sides of a 42-metre pillar (it would have been the biggest in Egypt) out of the bedrock before discovering a crack so big, they abandoned it."
See the above page for the full piece.

- Feature: Working The Quarries Of Aswan
Heritage Key (Malcolm Jack) Quarries, often ignored, were a crucial part of Egypt. It was from these sites that the precious raw materials and minerals used in the construction of decorative monuments such as sculptures and obelisks was hewn thousands...

- Hawass Dig Days - Obelisks
Al Ahram Weekly Obelisks were signs of victory, and the inscriptions carved on them record the titles and achievements of the Pharaohs. The tip of an obelisk, called the capstone or pyramidion, was cased with gold, its brilliant shine connecting it with...

- Canal Linking Ancient Egypt Quarry To Nile Found
National Geographic (Steven Stanek) Experts have discovered a canal at an Aswan rock quarry that they believe was used to help float some of ancient Egypt's largest stone monuments to the Nile River. It has long been suspected that ancient workers...

- Travel: Giza To Aswan better than usual travel piece about visiting Egypt and what to expect at different sites, from a writer who took the time in advance to read up about the sites he was to visit. He considers in brief...

- Cruising The River Travel article about a Nile cruise from Luxor to Aswan: " It was a delightful trip of discovery which every Egyptian, apart from foreign tourists, should experience. One thing I noticed, which I describe as...

