Travel: L'Incanto del Deserto Bianco

Travel: L'Incanto del Deserto Bianco (Andrea Vitussi)

Thanks very much to Pierfranco Dotti for sending me the link to this travel account of a visit to the White Desert at Farafra oasis . It is a 9 page PDF, written in Italian and, as Pier says, it is far too long to translate here, but the photos are excellent even if you don't speak a word of Italian.

- Photographs Of The White Desert
Sharm4u If you like the White Desert you will like this page - lots of lovely photographs of the amazing area near the Farafra oasis in Egypt's Western Desert. Every time I go there I am as astonished by its structures and colours as I was the first...

- Il Mistero Della Quarta Piramide
La Repubblica It is a somewhat international day today, with the following piece in Italian. Thanks very much to Pierfranco Dotti for sending me the link. The article is looking at the pyramid built by Djedefre at Abu Roash. It is generally of particular...

- Travel: Siwa Oasis I've stopped posting even short travel posts to travel stories along the lines of "the pyramids were big and I rode a camel", but this piece might be of interest to anyone thinking of travel to Siwa. It's not long but it is informative....

- Travel Items
The Western Desert Oasis of Farafra is very nice to see a travel review of one of the wonderful Western Desert oases, this the remote and untouched of all the oases: "The White Desert beckons, with...

- Restoration Of The Temple Of Amenhotep Iii The above URL is in Italian - here is one of my horrible translations. I can only translate Italian from my Spanish, so if you read Italian I recommend that you visit the site. Thanks to the EEF newsletter...

