Travel: Looking at Egypt from Cairo to Luxor

Travel: Looking at Egypt from Cairo to Luxor (
More from Oliver Phillips and his recent trip to Egypt, who gives his impressions not only of the key tourist sites, but of the country that houses them: "Despite the fact nearly all have water and electricity supplies, old habits die hard and some women still sit on the water's edge, washing their eating utensils or clothes in the river, while talking to their neighbours.
Then, at Aswan, I passed a river-taxi and watched open-mouthed as an Egyptian in a suit and tie, scooped up a glassful of the Nile and drank it. The local boatmen informed us they did likewise and were immune to the multitude of bacteria.
Of course the river featured strongly in our visit for 80 per cent of the population live in the valley - a 20-mile wide stretch of fertile land between the arid sandstone mountains on one side and the Sahara on the other.
The crisp definition of fertile and arid was remarkable. We travelled comfortably by train from Cairo to Luxor. It took nine hours, which might seem like hell, but it was fascinating."

- Egypt To Reopen Lower Nile For Two-week River Cruises
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- Rock Carvings Found Near Nile, Sudan
Live Science (Owen Jarus) An archaeological team in the Bayuda Desert in northern Sudan has discovered dozens of new rock art drawings, some of which were etched more than 5,000 years ago and reveal scenes that scientists can't explain. The team discovered...

- Travel: Nile Cruise
Vancouver Sun (Mark Angelo) As our plane approached the town of Aswan in southern Egypt, I could see the meandering Nile below. Beyond the line of the river and the green ribbon of lush irrigated lands that paralleled it, there was nothing but the vast...

- Environment: Uncertainty About Climate Change Impact On Nile
Egyptian Gazette NB - the story on this page will expire shortly. One scenario set out by climatologists is that global warming in Egypt could speed up the River Nile evaporation process and lead to a decline in fresh water supplies, exacerbating the...

- Travel: Discovering Mythical Places ( much better than usual travel piece by Oliver Phillips: "I am not saying it worried me greatly but at some stage in my life I wondered what had become of Thebes. It was a place that seemed to figure...

