Travel: Luxury Nile cruise

Travel: Luxury Nile cruise (Katy Guest)

This is more a review of the experience of this particular cruise ship than of the Nile and its various attractions.

Do you aspire to a life in which you are greeted with a smile and a jasmine-scented cold flannel? Do you prefer your masseuses hand-picked from Thailand, "because they are more beautiful"? Do you like to be wafted to sleep on a soft scented pillow of lemongrass oil and Nile breezes? Then this cruise ship is for you – even if you are not a god. So lavish is it that even its view of the world is superior: guests see the Nile
and the Egyptian sky through blue-tinted windows.

See the above page for the full story.

- Travel: Fire On Nile Cruise Ship
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- Travel: Nile Cruise"We checked into a luxury cruise ship with five-star facilities for a three-day cruise on the Nile to Luxor. Old, romantic paddle-steamers like the Karnak...

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