Travel: Nile cruise

Travel: Nile cruise
"I had never really thought of us as ideal candidates for a cruise. Apart from being about 30 years too young, the long time spent on the water, the too-brief visits to dry land and the communal nature of life on board had never appealed. But then we decided to fill a big hole in our travelling CV and visit Egypt. With barely a week to spare and a long list of ancient sites to see, three nights on the Nile followed by a few days in Cairo made sense. Besides, maybe a river cruise would be more of a cruising-lite version.
Luxor was our starting point, the beginning or the end of the line for the 300 or so craft that ply the route between it and Aswan further upstream. We had to walk through one unremarkable vessel to get to the Sun Boat IV - our home for the next three nights - and it felt like stepping out of a Ford into a Mercedes."

- Egypt To Reopen Lower Nile For Two-week River Cruises
Cruise Critic This has been announced before, without happening, but this article seems convincing enough. Egypt's tourism authority has announced that the river Nile will be opened up for the resumption of the "long Nile cruise," the full 14-day...

- Travel: The Nile Cruise ( A better than average travel article explaining what can be seen on a Nile cruise, and putting it into historical context: "The main draw to Egypt is the legacy of the Pharaohs and the Greeks and Romans who ruled...

- Cruising The River Travel article about a Nile cruise from Luxor to Aswan: " It was a delightful trip of discovery which every Egyptian, apart from foreign tourists, should experience. One thing I noticed, which I describe as...

- The Nile In Style,,2100-1866972,00.html A two-page travel article by Andrew Thomas about choosing to cruise the Nile by felucca instead of cruise ship: "Travelling by felucca is a mixture of sailing with the wind, drifting with the...

- Beyond The Nile Cruise article about visiting Egypt as a tourist: "It may be some sort of mummy's curse. Nearly all of us who visit Egypt will find ourselves on a Nile cruise. But it...

