Travel: Tale of Two Cities

Travel: Tale of Two Cities
"Modern Cairo is a city of 18-million people. Like many large cities, residents enjoy the conveniences of technology and availability of culture and nightlife, but struggle with dense gridlock and small spaces. There is something that clearly distinguishes Egypt's Capital as a unique Metropolis. The sprawling city is a backdrop to one of the most recognizable images in the world the Giza Pyramids. . . . Luxor is nearly 400 miles south of Cairo. Its simplicity is a stark contrast to the capital city. Many residents don't even have running water. The parched mountains of sand and rock have not seen rain since 1994."

- Sweeping Aside The Living At Luxor
Middle East Times One of Egypt's most famous ancient cities, Luxor, is in the process of getting a makeover, and not everyone is pleased with the government's actions. The plan is to create an open-air museum on the city's west bank, home...

- Travel: Not Far From Cairo's Madding Crowds
The Sydney Morning Herald (David Wroe) Cairo is, to my mind, one of the world's great cities, whatever its shortcomings. With a population of 18 million, the crush of people is suffocating. If you're a woman, the young men on the street can be...

- Travel/tourism: Cities Of The Dead Off Tourist Route
The Age A disturbing piece about the use of Islamic cemeteries for accomodation by 600,000 of Cairo's poorest people. Thirty years ago, Umm Antar's husband ran off with another woman, leaving her with no money and four daughters to feed. She was...

- Luxor Ranked Second On Most Civilized, Picturesque Islamic Cities ("The Upper Egyptian city of Luxor was ranked second on a list of the Muslim world's most civilized and picturesque Islamic cities that have unique architecture. Chairman of Luxor Supreme Council Samir Farag will...

- Rescuing Cairo's Lost Heritage you are interested in Cairo's past, don't miss this article, which not only discusses past and present conservation projects but also offers a concise summary of Cairo's history: "Cairo is truly...

