Travel: the Dead Sea, the Nile and others

Travel: the Dead Sea, the Nile and others (
Impressions of a multi-destination holiday which includes a quick visit to Egypt: "We trundled along the route of an old camel caravan trail through rocky mountains and dried river beds, known as wadis, for four hours. The green fields of the Nile flood plain then spread before us and led us to the splendour of Luxor, the world's biggest open-air museum where you step back more than 4,000 years into the land of the pharaohs.
In the Valley of the Kings we marvelled at the brightly coloured hieroglyphics covering the tomb walls. And - in an extraordinary clash of ages - I found I had a full signal on my mobile phone just outside the entrance to the incredible tomb of the boy king Tutankhamun. Nearby was the equally awesome temple of female pharaoh Queen Hatshepsut. Carved into the foot of a 300ft cliff, the shrine has a panoramic view over the lush Nile banks where farmers with hoes were bent over cabbages, carrots, sugar cane and potatoes.
After lunch at a five-star hotel (included in the day-trip price) we saw that the best had been saved for last - the jaw-dropping Karnak Temple which was once the most holy place in Egypt."
See the above for the full account of the tour.

- Travel: Cruising The Royal Route Of The Pharaohs
Ottawa Citizen (Mark Angelo) As our plane approached the town of Aswan in southern Egypt, I could see the meandering Nile below. Beyond the line of the river and the green ribbon of lush irrigated lands that paralleled it, there was nothing but the vast...

- Travel: Luxor Experienced From The West Bank
The Boston Globe (Dan Orzech) The tomb of the boy pharaoh Tutankhamun lies on the west bank of the Nile River. So do a host of other awe-inspiring remains of ancient Egypt, sights that help draw as many as 2 million visitors a year to the area. Most tourists,...

- Travel: Nile Cruise
Vancouver Sun (Mark Angelo) As our plane approached the town of Aswan in southern Egypt, I could see the meandering Nile below. Beyond the line of the river and the green ribbon of lush irrigated lands that paralleled it, there was nothing but the vast...

- Travel: Nile Cruise"We checked into a luxury cruise ship with five-star facilities for a three-day cruise on the Nile to Luxor. Old, romantic paddle-steamers like the Karnak...

- Travel: Visiting Egypt And Sinai factual description of a trip to Egypt (Cairo, Sinai and a Nile Cruise): "Only 4 percent to 4 percent of this vast desert country is inhabited with the majority of the people living in the fertile delta and the along...

