Travel: Top ten monuments in ancient Egypt

Travel: Top ten monuments in ancient Egypt


This site recommends the top 10 sites you should see if you are going to visit Egypt. Most of them you could guess, but some that might suprise are New Kalabsha, the Temple of Tod and the Temples of Montu (the last of which I cannot actually place off the top of my head). Sites that you might have expected to see are Abu Simbel and the Temple of Luxor, but these are missing.

- More Grief At The Sca
The head of the SCA is still in conflict with the government, and SCA employees are now closing sites as part of their protests. I cannot imagine how SCA employees believe that closing sites to tourism is going to improve the finances available to improve...

- Travel: In Pharaohs’ Steps
The National (Katherine Darcy) Holidaymakers with a passion for the historical will be in their element in Luxor. The city, often nicknamed the “world’s greatest open-air museum”, is home to two thirds of the world’s historical monuments. Located...

- Snapshot - Nubian Monuments
Al Ahram Weekly (Mohamed El-Hebeishy) ABU SIMBEL, Philae and Kalabsha are temples which come to mind whenever Nubian monuments are mentioned, but is that all the High Dam threatened to flood? Mohamed El Hebeishy finds out. Once the campaign to rescue...

- Saving Abu Simbel
The saving and reconstruction of both Ramesses the greats temples at Abu Simbel required five years and $40 million. Begun on November 16 1963 the first of the 1,041 blocks was moved on may 21, 1965 while the first block to be laid at the new site was...

- Rebuilding Abu Simbel
The saving and reconstruction of both Rameses the greats temples at Abu Simbel required five years and $40 million. Begun on November 16 1963 the first of the 1,041 blocks was moved on may 21, 1965 while the first block to be laid at the new site was...

