Travel: Visiting Cairo

Travel: Visiting Cairo (
A travel item describing in brief what Cairo is like, what to see in the city, where to eat, what sort of night life is available, where to shop, and (if you are based in the UK) how to get there. There are no surprises in the What To See part of the piece, which naturally points visitors to the pyramids and the museum, but it does recommend a visit to Heliopolis, which I can't recall seeing in other travel items about Cairo: "Nearby Heliopolis is worth a visit, too. Built in the early 20th century as a "garden city" for European diplomats and businessmen, it has broad avenues, parks and graceful villas. Cairo's ubiquitous sprawl is gradually swallowing up Heliopolis, but it is still a pleasant shady place to wander on a sweltering afternoon."

- Baron Empain's Legendary Palace Is To Be Converted
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine el-Aref) Baron Empain's legendary palace is to be converted into an international cultural centre and museum after restoration, Nevine El-Aref reports When Edouard Empain arrived to Egypt in 1904 to construct a railway line...

- New Book: Heliopolis
Al Masry Al Youm (Louise Sarant) The Fond Mercator, a renowned Belgium publishing house specializing in art books, has recently published “Heliopolis,” a 240-page richly illustrated coffee table book that studies the different historic stages of Cairo’s...

- Out With The Old
Egypt Today (Nadine El Sayed) This is Egypt Today's cover story. Very sad. Heliopolis has long been known for its garden charm and well-coordinated architecture. Now, just five years after the suburb’s centennial, investor interest and real estate...

- Travel: What Guidebooks Don’t Tell You (Christine Bates) I've more or less stopped posting travel items but I thought that this one stood out from usual monotonous descriptions that we have all read a hundred times before. It provides a reality check on the sunny outlook of...

- India To Help Egypt Conserve The Baron's Palace
The Hindu NEW DELHI: After Katsaraj and Ta Prohm Temple Complexes in Pakistan and Cambodia, India will now help Egypt in conserving and maintaining one of its key tourist spot — Baron Palace — in Cairo, which looks like a typical Hindu temple. The...

