Travel Item: Cairo

Travel Item: Cairo
"The most intriguing aspect of the pyramid is the entry passage into its inner chambers. This is a task many people including myself found challenging. Anyone who is 6 feet tall like me will definitely run a sweat while trying to maneuver the way up the internal chambers of the pyramid. The entrance is about 1 meter square. This does not end there; I then realize that this is actually a stair case passage rising at an angle. Have you ever tried climbing up a stair case in a crouch position? Imagine climbing stairs that the whole passage is 1 meter square. To make matters worse, it is summer time and the temperatures outside is around 35 degrees Celsius."
See the above page for the full story.

- Video: Underneath The Step Pyramid With Dr Hawass A video is now showing on Zahi Hawass's website at the above address. Here's the caption: Djoser, the first king of Egypt’s 3rd Dynasty, was buried inside a massive, red granite sarcophagus at the bottom of a 30 meter-deep shaft...

- More Re Egypt To Open Chambers Of Bent Pyramid
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- Bent Pyramid Chamber To Be Opened To Public
Associated Press Travelers to Egypt will soon be able to explore the inner chambers of the 4,500-year-old "bent" pyramid, known for its oddly shaped profile, and other nearby ancient tombs, Egypt's antiquities chief announced Monday. The increased...

- Special Feature: Photos Of Khufu's Subterranean Chamber
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- Climbing The Pyramids A recent update on the Go Africa section of in response to an email requesting information about climbing the pyramids of Giza: "Since the 1980's the Egyptian authorities have put a stop to it. It...

