

This excellent video shows the Djehuty tomb including a schematic of the Hatshepsut era tomb where gold jewelry was recently found.

- Ancient Egyptian Gold Found In Luxor By Spanish Archaeologists
Bloomberg Spanish archaeologists digging on the west bank of Luxor, Egypt, have discovered jewelry in a tomb of a state treasurer who lived some 3,500 years ago under the reign of Queen Hatshepsut. The team found five gold earrings and two gold...

- Madrid Quiere Que El Templo De Debod Sea Declarado Bien De Interés Cultural"El Gobierno de la Comunidad de Madrid ha acordado incoar expediente para declarar al Templo de Debod Bien de Interés Cultural (BIC) en la categoría de Monumento. Según ha explicado el...

- Djehuty's Tomb
Here is a large picture of the Hatshepsut period jewelry found in TT11.

- Ancient Gold
Here is an image of the jewelry found in TT11, the tomb of an official of Hatshepsut by the name of Djehuty.

- Tt11
A second burial chamber has been found in the tomb of Djehuty at Dra abu el Naga, the chamber is rare because it is painted and comes from the time of King Hatshepsut.

