TT11 & TT12

TT11 & TT12

Here is Jane Akshar's latest blog on lectures from the Mummification museum.

- Mummification Museum Lecture - Tt11 And Tt12 At Dra Abu El Naga
Luxor News blog (Jane Akshar) This was an excellent lecture but my notes were done under challenging conditions. They turned off ALL the lights so I was trying to right by the light of the slides. Dr Jose gave an excellent lecture and it was really interesting....

- Mummification Museum Lectures
Jane Akshar has been busy again, making notes from Luxor Mummification Museum lectures, and publishing them online on her blog. The most recent are as follows: Dr Jose Galan lecturing about Theban Tombs TT11 and TT12

- Mummification Museum Lecture
Here we have another post from Luxor News.

- Dr. Salima Ikram Lecture
Here we have a lecture by the always charming and interesting Dr. Ikram on the North Kharga Survey.

- Lecture On Tt147
This is an interesting lecture from Luxor's Mummification museum on tomb tt147.

