Tut, tut, those hedonists

Tut, tut, those hedonists

One of the more light hearted looks at this week's news that John Hopkins have uncovered scenes of debauchery at Luxor: "The ruins of a temple in Luxor in Egypt point to a discovery that could be the ultimate excuse for any teenager facing the music the day after a night out. Archaeologists have found evidence that way back in 1470 BC — in other words, much before today’s parents were yesterday’s teenagers — Egyptians would take part in great festivals the point of which would be to partake in sex, drugs and rock’n’roll, or at least, sex, alcoholic concoctions and pyramidal rock formations. Any doubts about the ancient youngsters not making a Woodstock out of their lives have been dispelled by evidence of a drinking ritual and naughty graffiti."
See the above for more.

- Life Of The Pharaohs. Festivals And Celebrations
Asharq Alawsat (Zahi Hawass) Usually whenever we find a book published on Ancient Egypt, its subject will either always be on the pharaohs' tombs and their pyramids, or the religion of the pharaohs and their temples. There are very few books that...

- An Oasis Of Art In The Egyptian Desert
http://www.las.uiuc.edu/news/2006fall/06oct_rockart.htmlThis important item dates back to the 21st September, so thanks to Kat for finding it and bringing it to my attention: "When Douglas Brewer ventured deep into the Egyptian desert this year, he expected...

- New Kingdom Discovery Near Luxor
http://tinyurl.com/qafr6 The discovery of a 34 metre "hall" located in a rock cut tomb near Luxor has been announced by the SCA: "The Egyptian-Spanish team discovered the hall at Zira Abu al-Naga on the west bank of the Nile, as it was excavating the...

- Ancient Egyptian New Year Greeted With Dance And Beer
http://dsc.discovery.com/news/briefs/20051226/drunkegypt_arc.html"Many ancient Egyptians marked the first month of the New Year by singing, dancing and drinking red beer until they passed out, according to archaeologists who have unearthed new evidence...

- Sex And Gender In Ancient Egypt
http://tinyurl.com/cm7w4 "Sex, drugs and rock'n'roll, cosmetic surgery, gay hairdressers, desperate housewives and a mysterious sex manual. A new TV offering aimed at overshadowing the BBC's sex and swords drama Rome? Well, no, actually -...

