Tutankhamun & Larger Foetus DNA

Tutankhamun & Larger Foetus DNA

News from the Valley of the Kings (Kate Phizackerley)

I promised to post the DNA from the TV Documentary and compare it with the DNA in the JAMA paper. This is the comparison of two mummies from tomb KV62 in the Valley of the Kings: King Tutankhamun himself and the larger of the two foetuses.

The locci aren't named in the documentary but they seem to be the same as those in the published paper so I have shown the locii as a caption to each table. If anybody would like to check I have correctly transcribed the results from the documentary, then that would be appreciated.

Rather than one hugely confusing table, I have shown each locus separately.

- More Re Tutankhamun Dna - Haplogroups
http://wysinger.homestead.com/haplotypes_in_egypt.pdf Thanks to Adrienne Giacon, via Kate Phizackerley's News from the Valley of the Kings blog for the above link (and thanks to Kate for bringing it to my attention). And here's a link to Kate's...

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