Tutankhamun in Chicago

Tutankhamun in Chicago

Somewhat inevitably, there is bound to be a whole plethora of articles in anticipation of the opening of Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of Pharaohs, which is due to open in Chicago on May 26th. This article looks at the background to the discovery of the tomb, the previous Tutankhamun travelling exhibition, some of the history of the young king, and talks about the artefacts that are being displayed:
"A wooden bust shows the king as a young and very human figure, while exquisite gilded statuettes portray him as the ruler of all Egypt. A small shrine of wood covered in gold and silver is engraved with tender scenes of Tutankhamun and his young wife. And most poignant of all is a child-size throne of ebony and ivory inset with gold.
Though less well known, the treasures from other royal tombs are equally spectacular, especially those from the tomb of Yuya and Tjuya, believed to be Tut's great-grandparents. . . . Tutankhamun tells the fascinating story of Egypt's 18th dynasty, the golden age of the pharaohs. It was the height of Egyptian culture, wealth, and power: the empire extended from Libya to Gaza, from Syria to Sudan; art and literature flourished, and architecture and technology advanced. But Tut was born into an era of great cultural upheaval."
See the full article on the above page.

Details of the exhbition's Chicago venue are at:

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