Tutankhamun killed by Gangrene

Tutankhamun killed by Gangrene

"The discovery by Egyptian scientists puts to rest the theory that the teenage pharaoh was murdered by a blow to his head. 'After consultations with Italian and Swiss experts, Egyptian scientists ... have found that a fracture in the boy king's left leg a day before his death was infected with gangrene and led to his passing,' Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities said". See this short CNN article for more.

- Tutankhamun Chest Injury
Heritage Key (Owen Jarus) A new study shows that Tutankhamun, Egypt’s famous “boy-king” who died around the age of 18, suffered a “massive crushing tearing injury to his chest” that likely would have killed him. X-rays and CT scans have previously...

- Tutankhamun: Curse In Reverse
Times of India A short but entertaining article that suggests that although the newspapers leaped on the idea of a curse, not only does all evidence point to the fact that no such curse existed, but that the boot was somewhat on the other foot: In fact,...

- Update Re Death Of Tutankhamun
http://tinyurl.com/yxhghl (canada.com)"Dr. Selim, who yesterday presented a further analysis of CT scans taken last year to the Radiological Society of North America's conference in Chicago, was part of the first team to examine King Tut's mummy...

- Tutankhamen Dead Of Knee Infection
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/1400519.cms"Egyptian boy Pharaoh King Tutankhamen whose death has intrigued archaeologists, historians and medical experts alike, through three millenniums, seems to have died of infection from a wound in...

- On This Day In 1969 . . .
http://tinyurl.com/czw8r Scientists examining the 3,000-year-old mummy of King Tutankhamen of Egypt determine the boy had been murdered by a sharp blow to the head.Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

