Tutankhamun on TV

Tutankhamun on TV

The National Geographic Channel is presenting a show that discusses the recent scan's results on how Tutankhamun died: "The CT scan finds loose bones inside King Tut's skull, severed ribs and a fractured left leg with a missing kneecap. Was he murdered? Or was he hurt in battle? Does the newly discovered broken leg offer clues to his death? King Tut's Final Secrets attempts to solve the mystery".

- A 3,000-year-old Mystery Is Finally Solved: Tutankhamun Died In A Hunting Accident
The Independent (Steve Connor) The mystery behind the sudden death of Tutankhamun, the boy king who ruled Egypt more than 3,000 years ago, may have been finally solved by scientists who believe that he fell from a fast-moving chariot while out hunting...

- Documentary Preview: Tutankhamun: Secrets Of The Boy King
National Geographic (Steven Stanek) An unusual level of interest in Tutankhamun was bound to occur now that the Tutankhamun exhibition is coming to London, and a TV documentary is being shown in UK television on 30th October 2007, which is previewed on...

- Kv55 - Ct-scan Of Mummy (akhenaten Or Smenkhkare?)
National Geographic (Brian Handwerk) CT Scans have been used on the KV55 mummy with a view to discovering its identity. The mummy's identity has generated fierce debate ever since its discovery in 1907 in tomb KV 55, located less than 100 feet (30...

- Tutankhamun On Tv
The National Geographic Channel is running a new show tomorrow: "Tut Resurrected in a world premiere tomorrow at 6pm on National Geographic Channel (Astro Channel 52). The two-hour special, airing in conjunction with the channel’s “Pharaohs Week”,...

- Tutankhamun: Reopening The Fbi File (uk Television)
http://www.five.tv/tvguide/ This is short notice, but on UK television tonight, Channel 5 are showing a programme that confronts the FBI findings three years ago with the latest data. Whether it's worth watching rather depends on how you felt about...

