Tutankhamun online

Tutankhamun online

An update about the work of the Griffith Institute in Oxford, who have already published some of the original notes and diary extracts from the Tutankhamun excavation: "It was the most famous archaeological find of all time, but still it holds secrets that have yet to be unravelled. Now Oxford scholars are preparing to post the notes, diaries, drawings and photographs from the 1922 excavation of the tomb of King Tutankhamun on the internet in an attempt to study it completely." See the above site for more details.

For the existing archive on the Griffiths Institute website see:

- Recent Online Updates From The Griffith Institute
The Griffith Institute Thanks to Ancient World Online and Chuck Jones for the above link. The Griffith Institute has updated its site and the above pages give details of new additions. If you're anywhere near Oxford, UK, you may be interested to know...

- Recent Offerings From The Griffith Institute
Ancient World Online (Charles Ellwood Jones) Thanks to Chuck Jones for posting a list of recent open access offerings from the Griffith Institute, Oxford, including some 1,800 photographs of Egypt and Sudan taken by Reginald St. Alban Heathcote between...

- Study The Contents Of Tutankhamun's Tomb Online
The Guardian, UK (Jo Marchant) From the circular main hall of the Sackler Library in Oxford, an unassuming corridor leads to a staircase that takes you down below street level. Through a door marked "archive", office ceiling tiles and fluorescent lights...

- J.p.simpson Photographs Of Egypt
http://www.ashmolean.museum/gri/4simpson/ Thanks very much to Jaromir Malek, Keeper of the Archive at the Griffith Institute for the following item about the J.P. Simpson photographs which show details of, amongst other things, missing and damaged scenes...

- Today In 1922 - Howard Carter's Diary
http://www.ashmol.ox.ac.uk/gri/4sea1not.htmlThe wonderful Griffith Institute has the record of the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun, as written in Carter's own diaries, on the above web page. The diaries start on the 28th October 1922. I thought...

